Fallout New Vegas Katana Mods
I brought a couple of Mods for an Anti-Material Rifle and they have a (Gun Runners Arsenal)
label in the Pipboy but i can attach the mods, i did pick up the gun in a location that was added via a Quest Mod that i installed but i'm wondering whether i need a weapon with the same (Gun Runners Arsenal)
label on it to equip these mods or if it's because this Quest Mod added an Anti-Material Rifle which is different from the regular one
This project is a result of months of modding Fallout: New Vegas. I love Nexus modding community and always try to support this community as much as I can. Fallout New Vegas Redesigned 3 Similar mod that you can use as an alternative to FCO. There's also a tutorial of how to run. AE-86 Seiryuu Beam Katana Ka-bar knive by Eprdox Happy. New worldspace design. The Frontier is an open world of 16 by 16 km in the northwestern part of U.S.A. This city lies frozen in time, with the NCR and the Legion locked in a bloody struggle for its secret. Turn your copy of Fallout 3 into a mutant masterpiece with these 10 essential mods. Giant mutant geckos, plasma guns that dissolve your enemies, thunderstorms and bullet time are just a few of the.
deutschZuid2 Answers
Even though Fallout Wikia states that some GRA mods can be used with non-GRA weapons, I cannot find any mod that actually fits the description. This means that all the GRA weapon mods require GRA weapons.

Fallout New Vegas Katana Mods Free
Edit: I just tested the GRA Assault Carbine Extended Mags mod on the normal version of Assault Carbine and it didn't even come up in the Mods screen.
Actually not all do. There are mods for guns such as varmit rifles and laser rifles and hunting rifles that arent gra weapons. If the weapon has a copy that is (GRA) then you can only put it on the gra copy.