Xcom 2 Kill All Enemies Command
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Xcom 2 Kill All Enemies Command Average ratng: 5,9/10 3023 votes
- Under steam launch options (Right click game listing --> Properties --> Set Launch Options) add:
- - allowconsole -log -autodebug
- (last two not absolutely necessary)
- Press the tilde or - key to open console during game, and enter any of the commands below. Please note that some commands require correctly capitalized letters, so type carefully.
- # General
- help - show list of most commands
- Levelupbarracks [int] - Level up all soldiers currently in barracks by [int] levels. WARNING: Start by levelling up by one (1) and select each soldier's class manually. Otherwise novices might skip the first level skill of their new class
- RemoveFortressDoom [int] - Lower Avatar project progress counter by [int].
- SetStratagyFacilitiesFree [on/off] – - makes facility builds free
- SetStratagyFacilitiesInstantBuild [on/off] - instant facility build
- SetStrategyFacilitiesSuperSpree [on/off] - build all facilities instantly
- SetStrategyFacilitiesUnlockAll [on/off] – - allow player to build all facilities
- SetNoWeaponsTech
- SetMonth [int] - Set the current gametime to [int] months
- BuildFacility AdvancedWarfareCenter [int]
- BuildFacility PowerRelay [int]
- BuildFacility PsiChamber [int]
- BuildFacility ShadowChamber [int]
- BuildFacility Workshop [int]
- - Build a facility into map square [int]. WARNING: Building does NOT clear a space from debris. Also, you can only build some unique buildings once. If you use the console to build it in the invisible space 1 and 2, you may be screwed.
- MapIndex numbers start from 3 on the top left, ie:
- 6 7 8
- 12 13 14
- MakeSoldierAClass 'SOLDIER NAME' Grenadier
- MakeSoldierAClass 'SOLDIER NAME' Rookie
- MakeSoldierAClass 'SOLDIER NAME' Sharpshooter
- # Combat options (most of these need to be done again on every mission)
- PowerUp - Infinite Action Pounts, Health, Ammo, Items
- TakeNoDamage - Infinite Health (bypasses any SetHitPoint calls)
- ToggleFOW - Toggle fog of war on/off
- WhoseTurnIsItAnyway - Enter at the start of a turn for unlimited moves.
- RestartLevel - Restart the current battle from the beginning
- ForceCritHits - Crits for everyone! - including the enemy AI..
- GiveActionPoints # - Adds # number of Action Points to the selected unit.
- ToggleSquadConcealment - Conceals / reveals your squad.
- ToggleUnlimitedActions - Grants infinite Action Points to you and your enemy - disable before ending your turn.
- ToggleUnlimitedAmmo - Grants infinite ammo to you and your enemy - disable before ending your turn.
- # Resources
- Giveengineer [int] - Give engineer with a bonus of [int]. Higher is better.
- Givescientist [int] - Give scientist with a bonus of [int]. Higher is better.
- GiveResource Alienalloy [int] - Give [int] Alien Alloys
- GiveResource EleriumCore [int] - give [int] Elerium Cores
- GiveResource EleriumDust [int] - give [int] Elerium Dust
- GiveResrouce Intel [int] - give [int] intel
- GiveResource SHIVPlasma
- # Items
- Additem AcidGrenade [int]
- Additem AlienGrenade [int]
- Additem BattleScanner [int]
- Additem BluescreenRounds [int]
- Additem EMPGrenade [int]
- Additem Firebomb [int]
- Additem Flamethrower [int]
- Additem FlashbangGrenade [int]
- Additem GasGrenadeMk2 [int]
- Additem HeavyPoweredArmor [int]
- Additem IncendiaryRounds [int]
- Additem LightPoweredArmor [int]
- Additem MediumPlatedArmor [int]
- Additem MimicBeacon [int]
- Additem NanofiberVest [int]
- Additem PlasmaBlaster [int]
- Additem ProximityMine [int]
- Additem PsiAmp_MG [int]
- Additem ShredstormCannon [int]
- Additem SmokeGrenade [int]
- Additem StasisVest [int]
- Additem TracerRounds [int]
- Additem CorpseAdventTurret [int]
- Additem CorpseAdventOfficer [int]
- Additem CorpseAdventPsiWitch [int]
- Additem CorpseSectoid [int]
- Additem CorpseViper [int]
- Additem CorpseCyberus [int]
- Additem CorpseArchon [int]
- Additem CorpseAndromedon [int]
- Additem CorpseGatekeeper [int]
- # Upgrades
- CritUpgrade_Bsc [int]
- ClipSizeUpgrade_Bsc [int]
- FreeFireUpgrade_Bsc [int]
- FreeKillUpgrade_Bsc [int]
- Replace Bsc (Basic) with Adv (Advanced) or Sup (Superior) for different level upgrades
- # PCSs
- CommonPCSSpeed
- CommonPCSFocus
- CommonPCSAgility
- Replace Common with Rare or Epic for different level upgrades
- GiveTech MagnetizedWeapons
- GiveTech PlasmaRifle
- GiveTech PlasmaSniper
- GiveTech Tech_Elerium
- GiveTech HybridMaterials
- GiveTech EXOSuit
- GiveTech PoweredArmor
- GiveTech WARSuit
- GiveTech AlienBiotech
- GiveTech AutopsyViper
- GiveTech AutopsyBerserker
- GiveTech AutopsyGatekeeper
- GiveTech AutopsyFaceless
- GiveTech AutopsySectopod
- GiveTech AutopsyAdventStunLancer
- GiveTech AutopsyAdventTurret
- GiveTech ExperimentalAmmo
- GiveTech ExperimentalArmor
- GiveTech BattlefieldMedicine
- GiveTech AdvancedGrenades
- GiveTech HeavyWeapons
Xcom Enemy Unknown Enemies
XCOM 2 for PC cheats - Cheating Dome has all the latest cheat codes, unlocks, hints and game secrets you need. (the usual button for console). Note: For the following commands, replace # with a number. Password Effect GiveTech techname Gives the specified tech, replace techname with the tech you want. Wwe 2k15 download pc game. Kill 3 enemies in a single turn.