How Long Did The Human Covenant War Last

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How Long Did The Human Covenant War Last Average ratng: 8,7/10 5331 votes

It remained there for almost 70 years in the house of Abinadab. (The 70 years were the last 20 years of Samuel’s judgeship, the 40 years of Saul’s kingship, and the first seven years of David’s reign in Hebron, before he moved to Jerusalem). The remaining humans and Elites escape back through the portal. The Human-Covenant war ends in December 2552, and the Arbiter leads his Elites back to their homeworld. A rogue splinter faction of the former Covenant were featured in Halo 4 (2012). This group was led by the Elite Jul 'Mdama.

  1. How Long Did The Human Covenant War Last

Copyrights: 343 Industries owns Halo, Bioware owns Mass Effect

Author's Notes: Hello everyone, I am The Almighty Afroduck (All Hail), and this is my first story. After reading a large amount of great fanfics I decided to write one myself, using certain elements and ideas gained from other great authors, to create my own universe and timeline. At first, you will be noting how I will be especially kind to many main characters and kill a lot less people to the point of being unnatural. It is best for you to know at once that it is not without good reason, and you will understand much later on in the LONG story to come. Without further ado, here is the first chapter.


A Different Beginning

February 3rd, 2525: Humanity first discovers the Covenant when the ship Minor Transgression met with a Kig-Yar ship due to an incident with its Shaw-Fujikawa Translight Engine. The ship was attacked, which was reported to Harvest. There, a trap was set up between the AI, Sif, and an ONI spook, assuming that they were Insurrectionists. This led to the first skirmish between Humanity and the Covenant. In the aftermath, a trading attempt was made with Humanity taking the initiative, and the Covenant bringing their troops. Again, this ended in a firefight which led to the beginning of the Human-Covenant War, declared by The High Prophets of Truth, Regret and Mercy, whom spread the message amongst their coalition of species that Humans were an affront to their Gods. Multiple events and battles have taken place since then, and the Covenant are now beginning to glass worlds.

21:47 – September 17th, 2525 – High Charity

The Minor Prophet of Faith was looking through the files, going over how the past few months had been. She was alone in one of the San'Shyuums' designated rooms, her own room in fact, that was given to those whom had a voice in the High Council, even if it was a small one. She had been surprised at the immediate accusation of the High Prophets against this new species 'Humanity' and how they were a race of 'Demons' responsible for the destruction of their Gods. Part of her wasn't very inclined to believe it. Of course, she made sure never to mention it or always avoid the subject, she liked living too much to be accused of heresy and be hanged by her entrails. Yet curiosity always struck her whenever she thought of the fact that rather than ask them to join the Covenant, or in the worst case scenario, force them to join the Covenant, this was the first species ever to become a true enemy to them all. Her trail of thought was cut short when her monitor's screen went completely black. At first she thought it was a malfunction, something very rare to happen in High Charity of all places, even more so in her own private room, but then a message 'wrote itself' on the screen. When she read who or what was writing it, she was taken by surprise.

From: Mendicant Bias

To: The Prophet of Faith.

[Before notifying others of anything, you should know that this text has a virus that will delete it and any traces that it may have existed at some point. Now that you are no longer considering departure, I can show you something of grave importance.]

The Prophets had always seen Mendicant Bias as on of their Gods' Blind Oracles, one that did not have its own sentience, yet still had a lot of knowledge stored in them and was therefore one of their finest creations. Personally, she viewed it as an advanced, the most advanced computer program in the galaxy, yet still just a computer program. Again, she never spoke of this. So finding out that it, in fact, was a true Oracle of its own, was very surprising. She would have reported this to the High Prophets had the first sentence not been written.

[You are, besides the High Prophets, the most influential Prophet amongst your kind. It is likely that if you were older, the chance of you becoming a High Prophet would be very large. But while it has been a subject of talk before in their council, you have made many decisions that are considered controversial. Such is the case of being openly against the induction of the Unggoy, Mgalekgolos, Yanme'es and Kig-Yar through slavery when first contact was made to them, and centuries later still not having as many rights as the San'Shyuum, Sangheili and Jiralhanae. Upon inspecting all possible Prophets capable of leading the separation of the Covenant, you were the one with the best odds.]

The Prophet was now confused as to how the last two sentences didn't contradict one another. She was a lot more different than most Prophets, and towards the beginning of her career she was nearly relieved of her duties and permanently disgraced for it, but she gained a lot of popularity with the people. Even now, she could comfortably say that a good half of the San'Shyuum agreed with her in her points of views. She did not understand how she could be the one to separate the Covenant as it contradicted with her beliefs, and she was even more surprised that the Oracle was searching for someone capable of accomplishing the feat. It worried her for it to do that, but she figured that now that it was talking to her, she may try understand where it was all coming from. 'Why would you be looking for one of my kind to do such a thing?'

[The Humans, the one your coalition is against, are the Inheritors to the place my creators once had. They are the Reclaimers, the only ones capable to truly wield and use the technology that the Forerunners created.]

'Then the High Prophets must be notified immediately!'

[They already have been.]

She looked wide-eyed at the screen as if it had turned into a thorn beast.

'How can this be true?'

[The Humans were the Forerunners' designated Inheritors to their empire, technology, worlds, and even the Mantle of Responsibility. This means that they have one of the highest, if not the absolute highest, power and authority in the galaxy by rights, seeing as they are versatile and capable of maintaining and, should they be given the chance, protecting life. Yet when I sent this encrypted message so it would not be traced back to me with proof, your High Prophets saw this as a threat to their power. Their best thinkable solution became eradicating the only ones capable of understanding who the Forerunners were truly well.]

Faith sat in her chair, staring in disbelief at the screen. She knew that something wasn't exactly normal about how this Human race was treated with such violence, but she never expected anything of this magnitude. 'So what if I spread this message plus the evidence you placed in your previous message to all planets, space stations and spaceships through out the Covenant so they can see what they are doing and cease doing so immediately?'

[This was one of the first options I created when the High Prophets began their campaign against the Reclaimers, and one of the most quickly discarded. The message alone would be far too suspicious alone even if it holds evidence and the High Prophets would immediately disregard it and claim it to be only a petty attempt from the Humans to fool them all. If you were to openly declare that this message holds the truth, a calculated 47.5% would come to your aid, but you would be immediately executed, and it would weaken the divided fraction that defends you. The best calculated course of action is to have many cruisers prepared to transport those of your kind who would follow you and be willing to fight against the High Prophets, due to them being a good 46% yet still not too many. To do this, you must ask Supreme Commander Thel 'Vadamee, Special Operations Commander Rtas 'Vadumee, Chieftain Captain Tartarus and Chieftain Captain Taurus for their assistance to aid you. The two Commanders will see the truth and will ally with you almost immediately, and the two Chieftains will see the truth and follow you due to their anger at being lied to and being used by the High Prophets. Each of those have the sworn allegiance of many, the Sangheili Commanders have the loyalty of 60% of their kind, 70% of the Unggoy, and 40% of the Mgalekgolos, while the Jiralhanae Chieftain Captains have 40% of the pull on their kind, 50% on the Kig-Yar, and 40% of the Yanme'e. These numbers would be larger, but given the fact that the current Arbiter is Ripa 'Moramee, the rest of the Unggoy, Mgalekgolos and his own kind. The numbers aren't as high on his side as on the other Sangheili Commanders, mainly because, unlike most of his kind, he disregards honor and takes joy in mistreating others of different species. The Jiralhanae Chieftain Captains do not have as much support from their own kind because of the highest ranking Jiralhanae, the Chieftain General Maccabeus, who has an undying loyalty to the High Prophets and an even stronger belief in his Gods. This is seen with great respect amongst his kind who in turn would be able to force the rest of the Kig-Yar and Yanme'e to fight for them. Considering it is likely that you have the pull on 40% of your kind and the Huragok, even though they enjoy peace and would unanimously prefer to side with the Humans, knowing their importance, it is likely that 40% will manage to escape with you while the others would be enslaved and used by the covenant. In short, 47.5% of the Covenant would side with you if you were to proclaim that my message holds the truth and you prove it with evidence and if you had the Sangheili Commanders and Jiralhanae Chieftains with you.]

Faith put a lot of thought into what Mendicant Bias was asking and probably expecting of her. Numbers did not lie, and it would probably be a very tight war with every single soldier being the difference between victory and defeat. But she knew that the opposite side was more numerous, and unlike her own kind, the other races had billions of soldiers each, so for the other side to have a 5% advantage could mean their destruction. She closed her eyes in thought, going through all possible scenarios in her head if she was to lead a war, and while the advice and strength of the Commanders and Chieftain Captains would help a lot, she couldn't see herself winning against the other side without taking crippling amounts of losses. She put her head in her hands in stress and frustration before saying, 'Tell me how we would win when the others have millions, maybe even a few billion more soldiers than us and their leaders are more experienced in leading war.'

[By making all your forces leave their home planets, which are likely to have a majority on the side of the High Prophets, expel enemy forces where they are on planets where you have more numbers in soldiers, and allying yourself with the Humans.]

Her eyes widened when she read the last part. The first two parts she knew were true, and she was already going over how they would regroup, but she did not even think of asking a race that they had spent the past seven months against for their help. Those numbers could mean their victory in the war, but she did not see how they would not shoot if they suddenly appeared within range of sight near one of their worlds. 'How would we do that? Even if they were willing to listen to us, what would make them believe that we were on the same side?'

[The same thing you would use to make your half of the Covenant follow you. Proof.]

How long did the human covenant war last

'But the proof I'll have to convince my side to separate from the Covenant probably won't convince them. They would likely dismiss it as a pathetic excuse to go near their worlds and glass them!'

[I already have gone through that scenario, and if it were to be done, there would be a 70% chance that you would not be believed and would be attacked immediately. That is why you will be showing them the second part of the evidence.]

Faith was intrigued by this. 'What second part?'

[If you were to show them videos where all different species were against one another on different planets including their homeworlds, and eventually fleeing to regroup with you, the chances would be lowered to a 30%. And as an additional measure, if you were to offer parts of your technology effective immediately, such as weaponry, ships, vehicles and other different things, the chances would decrease to a 5%.]

She looked to the screen considering everything that she learned in the past few minutes. The truth of Humanity, the idea of separation from the Covenant, waging a civil war and allying themselves with the species they had massacred for the past few months. That is if she were to listen to the Oracle and do all the things it had proposed. This led her to the most important question she wanted to ask, 'How do you know that I'm not only capable of these actions, but also am willing to do this?'

[Because you always seek to do the right choice, and you know that by keeping true to yourself, you would not turn a blind eye to this.]

Faith sighed. The Oracle had her from the beginning and she didn't even know it. She sat up straight and asked, 'What is the next step?'

[I've already sent a report that a 'world' has been found suitable for the San'Shyuum that may be able to help your kind grow once again. This will serve as an excuse to bring all San'Shyuum who are willing to follow you on several already prepped cruisers while you go on ahead to lead them. Afterwards, you will request to the High Council for the Supreme Commander Thel 'Vadamee, Special Operations Commander Rtas 'Vadumee, Chieftain Captain Tartarus and Chieftain Captain Taurus to escort you to said 'world'. The location will be empty and from there you will jump to other coordinates too far for Covenant Vessels to track you and kill you. Once that is done, you will transmit the message with the truth of the Humans to every starship, space station and world, while transmitting your coordinates so they come to regroup. The High Prophets will be in too much shock to react in time, and by the time they send a fleet, you will either have an armada that will destroy anything in its path, or you will be gone. You will receive a call from the High Council to discuss the 'world' and go there. The High Prophets will remain in High Charity to help with the war, so you will volunteer to lead the San'Shyuum. Because those whom agree with your views would gladly go with your guidance and those whom don't would likely grudgingly stay behind, then those whom will support you will stay safe and with you.]

Faith read it all and nodded her head in understanding. She quickly found a recent video log from a secondary monitor she had in her room and found that ships were already prepared. Now feeling ready for what was to come in the next few days, she asked the last questions she had in mind. 'What of you, Oracle? Will you accompany us?'

[Yes. I helped create the physical and cybernetic systems, but not without creating override protocols. As soon as you leave, a will accompany you with a stealth cloaking unit from one of the Special Operations Centers. Using that, I will disguise myself to teleport directly to your Super Carrier. When you finish the transmission of the lies coming from the High Council and later show the faces of the Sangheili Commanders and Jiralhanae Chieftains Captains who will fight alongside you, I will activate a virus that will leave High Charity in a black out for an estimated 7 hours. A fake video that I manufactured will appear on the Covenant Fleets' screens that will make it seem as if we were attacking High Charity 2 hours after the blackout commences to give time to escape to those in High Charity who are allying themselves with us. All ships should arrive to your meeting point within 5 hours, and depending on whether ships arrive to attack you or not, which stands at 50% each, there will be minimal casualties. Honor Guards should be entering your room seconds from now. Good luck.]

Just as Faith finished reading, the door to her room opened to two Sangheili Honor Guardsmen standing by the sides of the doors and a Sangheili Honor Guard Ultra walked inside and bowed his head to her. He spoke just as the other two bowed their heads as well, 'Minor Prophet of Faith, I apologize for interrupting your personal matters at these times, but the High Prophets have authorized me to enter to notify you of something of great importance to the San'Shyuum. We are here to escort you to the High Council's Chambers so that you are present during the discussion of your kind's well being.'

Faith discretely looked back at her screen to find the files reports on different battles of the war the Covenant was having with Humanity. She shut down her monitors, put on her Anti-Gravity Belt, and walked towards the Honor Guardsmen. 'Very well. Have you any information on what it's about?'

'No, your Honor, I was not given any more information other than the fact that it will change the future for the San'Shyuum. I hope it is for the better.' The Honor Guard Ultra replied. She knew exactly what it was about, but she had to make it so she didn't. She knew that if anyone became aware of her plan before time, a vast amount of deaths would be on her hands. She did not want that.

She was outside the chamber doors when the two Guardsmen bowed their heads in goodbye and returned to their posts. She looked to the Ultra and nodded as the door opened. The Ultra remained near the door but inside the Chamber for protection, with several others in defensive stances. Faith lightly levitated to her seat in the lowest row of the right in the end closest to the High Prophets. Depending on how close or far you were to the High Prophets was a measure to how valuable your opinion was to the whole Council. Faith was on of the youngest Minor Prophets to ever have lived, yet even then, with her vast experience and her popularity amongst her people granted her one of the closest spots of the Council. She lightly levitated and placed herself in her seat. It was half crowded, but more San'Shyuum and Sangheili Councilors were entering by the seconds, and within a few minutes, the entire place was filled. The last to arrive were the famous three High Prophets of Truth, Mercy and Regret, all in their Anti-Gravity Thrones.

Totaler krieg game. When the three reached their places in the middle of the Chamber, it was Truth who spoke the first words, 'All of you have been summoned here today on such short notice because you must become aware of the gift that the Gods have given us today.'

There was much talk amongst all members of the council save the three High Prophets and Faith, who faked a curious look. 'It was only mere moments ago when we were shown of perhaps what our kind needed in its most glorious form. A world blessed with low gravity, a safe atmosphere and rich soils. This means that we can finally inhabit a world where we may live and thrive in once again!'

Faith was hearing the conversations filled with excitement all around her. It saddened her too much the fact that this was not true and instead was something a lot worse. A couple of seats behind her, she heard the Minor Prophet of Malevolence chuckling in delight. He was one of the oldest Minor Prophets in the Chamber and had been both a guide and a friend to her. She felt even worse knowing that the sweet, frail old man that had helped her and supported her throughout her whole career would be devastated at the news of the planet not existing.

'Yet, we are at war to prevent the demons from defiling our Gods' legacies and graves. We Hierarchs cannot leave our position to reap the benefits of this joyous wonder, and many of us must stay to aid in the defense of the mighty Covenant!' Regret spoke. Mercy continued for him, 'That is why we must request a volunteer with the courage, leadership and experience to lead those whom will follow him or her to the path of our race's well being, the one we must take before we achieve the Great Journey. Are there any Minor Prophets in this Chamber capable of doing this task?'

Once again there was much talk. Faith waited a few more seconds so she did not sound suspicious at jumping for the position as soon as it was said yet did not wait too long so she did not loose her place. She rose from her seat, all eyes on her, some in admiration and others in disfavor. 'I volunteer to lead our race to a better path, Hierarchs.'

The entire Chamber went silent. All three High Prophets analyzed her to see any signs of doubt. When they saw no such thing they looked to one another and whispered privately before looking at her again. Faith knew that many times before they had been in disagreement, but through all her works, she gained respect from the absolute leaders of the Covenant. Truth looked directly into her eyes with a serene yet serious look on his face. 'Very well, Faith. Time has shown us your value to the Covenant and the power of your word in it. You will lead the San'Shyuum willing to go under your leadership to our new designated homeworld, New Janjur Qom.'

'At once, Hierarchs.' She lied. She bowed her head to the High Prophets, a respectful gesture that they returned. 'This meeting is adjourned.' Regret announced. The San'Shyuum began to head to the doors, Faith among them, but she was halted by Malevolence. 'Child, is it not wonderful that we will not have to worry of our species' endangerment?' The old Prophet asked gleefully. Faith faked a smile to not make him worry beforehand. 'Yes, Jurd, it is almost impossible to believe for me.'

'Well, it's a shame that we cannot all go there yet because of this damnable war. The Hierarchs say these 'Humans' are a blight to the galaxy, but I wouldn't be so quick to judge an entire race over a couple of misunderstandings. In truth, I'm not even sure what the purpose of this war truly is. Had I been one of the Hierarchs, I would have at least attempted to avoid it.' Jurd 'Malevolence' Xren said in disappointment. Faith could not agree more with what he had said, but she knew that there was no point in weeping for a mistake of the past, especially one that was not caused by them. Faith was about to ask Malevolence to accompany her on her ship, when he spoke first, 'Although I felt the need to voice that, that is not why I came to you. My old memory is starting to fail me, because I originally came with the intent of asking you if I could join you on your ship, child.'

Faith smiled at the old man who was once a father to her. 'It would be an honor and my pleasure to have you on my ship.' Malevolence chuckled in delight at the thought. They both walked together to the docks where a phantom was waiting for them. Two Honor Guardsmen that were guarding the phantom stepped to the sides, allowing them both through. They boarded the airship along with other San'Shyuum along with a few Sangheili and Jiralhanae for protection.

How Long Did The Human Covenant War Last

The phantom, along with several thousands of others boarded the Long Night of Solace, the head of the fleet of 30 CSO-Class Supercarriers to deliver the 9,000,000 San'Shyuum under the leadership of Faith. The CSO-Class Supercarriers may be 28.9 kilometers each, but those only took 7,000,000 San'Shyuum in total plus 2,000,000 soldiers of other species to protect them. Between 75 other Assault Carriers of 5.3 kilometers each, the other 2,000,000 San'Shyuum went aboard them with 1,750,000 of more troops. Although all ships were equipped to the brim with weapons, shields and other defensive mechanisms, two more side fleets of 10 CSO-Class Supercarriers holding 3,000,000 troops per fleet and 50 Assault Carriers with 2,500,000 troops per fleet accompanied them for a safe trip. Without counting the San'Shyuum, there were a total of 14,750,000 soldiers protecting them, 8,000,000 aboard all CSO-Class Supercarriers and 6,750,000 aboard all Assault Carriers. While the intention was for 15 CSO-Class Supercarriers and 50 Assault Carriers remain as the defending fleet of the new homeworld, the massive fleet was felt necessary by the High Prophets to protect half of the entire San'Shyuum population.

Faith and Malevolence finally arrived at the Long Night of Solace, and from there, traveled to its bridge. On there, they were met with a pleasant sight, at least from Faith's point of view. Around the holographic table in the center of the Command Center were the well known Thel 'Vadamee, Rtas 'Vadumee, Tartarus and Taurus. She remembered how she had forgotten to request them for escorts and future allies when she met up with Malevolence, and it was a relief to see them already here. Her best guess was that Mendicant Bias was well aware of the probabilities of her not memorizing all the instructions it had given her and pinpointed which of all of them was the most likely she would fail to do. Of course, she hid this with a look of shock, but not the unpleasant kind. 'To what do I owe the pleasure of your company, Commanders and Chieftain Captains?'

When the four caught sight of her, they bowed their heads in respect while Rtas spoke, 'The Hierarchs were advised by the Blind Oracle to have us as the Fleet Masters leading the ships to New Janjur Qom, though I understand why it is a Blind Oracle.'

How Long Did The Human Covenant War Last

'What makes you say that?' Faith asked curious as to what the Sangheili might say. 'Because it probably doesn't understand what a true Fleet Master is.' He said eyeing the two Jiralhanae. Tartarus scowled at the Commander and growled, 'Have anything you want to say, splitlips?'

'What did you just call me?'

'Enough!' The five turned to look at Malevolence who had decided speak up then. Rtas immediately bowed his head saying, 'Pardon my poor vision, your Honor, I had not seen you-'

'Damn it, Commander, I want none of your petty excuses! And that goes for you as well, Chieftain!' Tartarus had been smiling at the display until he was mentioned. 'The Sangheili may have been the cofounders of the Covenant, but that does not take away the powerful influence the Jiralhanae have had in it! And it is the Jiralhanae's duty to take responsibility in that! These types of pathetic arguments and pitiful sly remarks make me wonder just how some of each mighty race's highest representatives manage to act like such arrogant fools!'

It was rare the time when Faith had seen her mentor truly angered by something. And few as they were, they were enough to assure never to make a big mistake such as making a rude comment around him. Both warriors gave each other one last glare before bowing their heads and saying, 'We apologize for our lack of courtesy, your Honor, it shall not happen again.'

Malevolence sighed. 'My years are running out, and in those I have left, I want to see my people grow again. I am far too old to start teaching discipline to those unaware of it, especially if those are already professionals who should already understand it. I will be going to my headquarters for some much needed rest, and I hope that tomorrow my day will not have to be soured.' The old man put a caring hand on Faith's shoulder before walking out of the room with his personal Honor Guards.

All were silent in the room after the departure of the wise Prophet, and it was Faith who took it upon herself to break the ice. 'I doubt I have any need to say anything about this little encounter, but I would advice each of you not to anger him again.'

'Of course, Prophet, I will make it so that it does not happen again.' Thel spoke. Rtas gave him a surprised look, and he returned it with a calm yet serious stare. Taurus then figured he might as well have a word in all of this, 'As will I, Prophet. But it will be difficult because of my poor brother's lack of intellect.'

Rather than become enraged by this, Tartarus gave a tired sigh and looked at Taurus with a frown. In return, Taurus gave his older brother a wide, toothy grin. 'Perhaps I should kill you, brother, so you may die with the honor of saying that it was your own blood that murdered you.'

Taurus chuckled. 'I doubt that very much, brother, you love me far too much to bring a dagger down my throat.' Thel grinned at that, and even Rtas couldn't help but laugh under his breath a bit. Tartarus put hands over his face, muttering, 'Sometimes I doubt that.'

Faith remembered some of the reports on Taurus, most of them being very unusual. The albino-furred warrior looked a lot like his older brother, one of the few yet large differences being his vivid-blue eyes. Like his brother's orange ones, his eyes seemed to glow in a flame-like manner, something unusual given most Jiralhanae's eyes were usually dull. That was just the physical description, his psychological reports were even stranger. Unlike most Jiralhanae, yet again, his attitude wasn't one of arrogance or blind anger, but one of lightheaded fun, and filled with lightheadedness. She recalled reading how on most occasions, before a battle, he would tell his squad and later platoon an elaborate joke or a hilarious story to get them in the best mood, and from there take them to war. Ironic to his comedic behavior, his physical skills, his strategic tactics, his leadership, his intelligence and his usage of most, if not all weapons, were so great that they rivaled his own brother's. And to the amazement of the High Council, his jokes before fights got his entire squads or platoons in the best mood, which left them much more motivated. All of these characteristics are what got him to the second highest rank any Jiralhanae could achieve in their military. And that was because there could only be one Chieftain General at a time.

'Well, now that that is settled, I can finally ask the four of you a doubt I've had since I arrived here.' All four finally stood up straight and put their hands behind their backs in professionalism, waiting to be asked whatever their temporary leader wanted to know. 'Are all of your soldiers of your complete trust?'

The Sangheili Commanders were slightly shocked to hear such a question, and the Jiralhanae Chieftain Captains exchanged a look of very slight distrust towards her. Thel spoke first. 'All of our warriors are truly loyal to us, I cannot imagine any of ours attempting to stab us in the back or outright kill us, your Honor.'

Rtas took the initiative to continue. 'Yes, we make sure that our men are all treated equally well, so that they have no doubt in following our leadership in combat. It is a requirement that we have when picking our soldiers in battle, a trait that the Shipmasters under our command have as well, and they are very close to us.'

Faith turned to the two Jiralhanae, waiting for them to answer. Tartarus eyed her uneasily and said, 'The warriors under our command have a large amount of respect for us. And even if they hated us, they wouldn't attempt to turn on us because they know how we could kill them without trouble. But even then, that isn't the case of the Chieftain Lieutenants under our command. We've fought together through all Seven Hells and back. At least those men and women commanding the ships of these fleets would never turn on us, and anyone on their ships who did would have to go through them first. And they are tougher than a damn Mgalekgolo's armor.'

'Good. It is reassuring to know that.' Said Faith in relief. The four Fleet Masters still looked somewhat intrigued by the reasoning behind the question. Taurus decided to voice it, 'Your Honor, I have no problem with what you just asked us, but would you please enlighten us as to why what we just told you is of much importance? After all, we are to be your escorts before returning our efforts to the Demons.'

Hearing the Chieftain call Humanity that made her feel the need to tell these four the truth. But that would come in time, not before. The question, however, she could answer easily without having to think of a complicated lie. 'We are at war, Chieftain Captain Taurus, anything could happen. And is it not my right to make sure that half of the entire population of my people is in safe hands?'

'Of course, your Honor, I apologize for my doubts.'

'No need, Taurus, you have just as many rights to ask as I do.' Taurus smiled a bit at that. Thel and Rtas looked at one another and nodded. Rtas spoke, 'Your Honor, I will be heading to the phantom that will take me aboard the Shadow of Intent, the head ship of one of the fleets to protect your kind while the Supreme Commander will stay here with one of the Chieftain Captains to lead this fleet with you.'

Faith nodded and was about to speak when Taurus interrupted her line of thought, 'As much fun as I've had here, your Honor, I will be leaving as well to my ship, the Bloody Dagger, to lead the second fleet that will ensure no harm comes to the escort fleet you will be leading alongside Imbecile here and Slick over there.' Thel was a bit surprised at being called 'Slick', but made no comment as it meant no harm, while Tartarus groaned when he was pulled by his brother in a side hug. As much as he may not want to admit it at times, Taurus was perhaps the man Tartarus loved the most, and even when he was insulted by him, he could not help but laugh. Tartarus got our of his brother's tight grip that was casual amongst his kind, and gave him a firm head-butt a bit too hard to get him a bit dizzy. Taurus groaned a bit and clutched his forehead, while Tartarus laughed and said, 'See you around, brother.'

Taurus laughed as well, 'See you around , brother.' With that, Taurus and Rtas left to their own phantoms that lead to the Assault Cruisers that would lead each side fleet. With Thel and Tartarus in the room, she decided to give her first orders on the ship. 'Fleet Masters, set a course to New Janjur Qom.'

The two nodded their heads. They barked orders, and soon all ships of the escort fleet and the two side fleets started mobilizing. A few more seconds, and they were all warped in multiple spherical portals. One of the Kig-Yar head pilots said to the three, 'Fleet Masters, it is calculated that we will arrive to the coordinates within 12 hours.'

Faith was pleased to hear that. She could probably have get some good, long sleep and still have a couple of hours to spare. She then announced, 'I will be heading to the room I was assigned to get some sleep. If any events of importance happen, wake me at once.'

'Of course, your Honor!' Tartarus barked. Faith turned around to leave and headed out to find her headquarters. She hoped no conflict would arise between the aggressive Chieftain and the righteous Commander. Part of her knew that as long as San'Shyuum were near the two species, they would maintain professionalism and leave grudges for another time. And right now, half the population was in this fleet. She had only walked a few meters before finding a large door with her name on it. The large door had an elongated screen on the top that said 'Minor Prophet of Faith'. She placed her hand on a small, holographic sphere that would recognize her hand. It didn't take more than a few seconds for it to open to a large room, obviously reserved for Fleet Masters or Ship Masters. She quickly found what she felt she needed the most. She laid her back on the large bed to find it especially soft, perfectly outfitted not just for her kind, but for her. She got up to open the closet to find formal robes and soft sleeping robes. She decided to change into formal robes to not waste time in changing the next morning. She set the room's gravity to fit that of her kind and took of her Anti-Gravity Belt. She lay in the soft bed and covered herself up in its blankets, closing her eyes long enough for sleep to catch her.

Author's Notes: To avoid confusion, since the High Prophets are generally refered as Hierarchs or Your Grace, I will refer Minor Prophets as Your Honor. I figured it would avoid confusion. As for the Jiralhanae, the highest ranks will consist of Chieftain Lieutenants, Chieftain Captains and Chieftain General, the counterparts to the Sangheili Zealots/Field Marshals, Supreme Commanders and Imperial Admiral respectively. It's been a pleasure writing this, and all constructive critics are welcome.

The Almighty Afroduck,

All Hail